Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A WhoLe lOt of NOthInG

This is what we have been up to lately... A whole lot of nothing!  We have just been enjoying our summer by swimming in the pool at Grandma Dru's house, enjoying some Creamies, playing with all our cousins who came in town, swimming in the Skeen's pool, and living in the jumper!  He just can't get enough of it!


Traci said...

I love him. He is so cute and has some really cute cousins too. Would you stop him from growing so fast already? He is so cute.

Kelsey said...

He keeps getting cuter! I'm sad you can't make the playdate :(
You guys actually celebrate anniversaries...lucky!!! he he
I will invite you to the next one for sure. We need to hang out soon....without Hallie of course!

Heather and Eric said...

Oh he is so cute!! Looks like you are having a fun summer!! I want to see him!!!

Celeste said...

I know I say this all the time but he is SO CUTE! Love those bright blue eyes. Sounds like you're having a great summer.

H and E said...

He is just so cute! I am going to miss you guys for sure!

Lindsay said...

SUCH A DOLL! He looks like you Tori. I need to see him in person sometime.