Thursday, December 16, 2010

TiS tHe SeAsoN....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

HaLloWeEn... (at Thanksgiving)

Halloween was so much fun this year! As many of you know...Max is OBSESSED with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So as you can imagine, Max got pretty into the part this year! He was in heaven! He had to wear it for 3 straight days! Gloves and all! Now we are just counting down the days for his Mickey Mouse birthday party! That is all we talk about around here!

Friday, October 8, 2010

a DaY aT tHe ZOo...

Monday, October 4, 2010


Wow! It's been a long time! I have decided to start blogging again...and I am going to come back with a BANG..... Many of you already know but we are having another BOY! We are beyond thrilled! Max is going to be the best big brother. We will be welcoming this little boy with open arms the end of January. It's been a bumpy road, full of many unknowns but we are thrilled that he is healthy! Stay tuned for some updated pics of what we have been up to....